“Automatic Writings for Afterlife Communication”

   It is impossible to write words, or verbalize what the soul feels when it comes to defining love, efforts to do so have been a part of humanity since the first words were spoken…None-the-less I tried to find a way to do just that…use words to convey the depth of despair and love that built the foundation for the relationship written about in this site. To do so, I decided the letter Memories may be the best way to capture and explain the level of intimacy between myself and Jeanne, the women that years ago I fell in love with.  Hopefully, it will give the reader a more personal view and perspective on how and why the doors for the flow of information that has come from sources beyond my own consciousness were able to be opened. The writings which capture that information began to be generated through what research revealed to be “Automatic Writings for Afterlife Communication”.  To understand why this could happen I believe it is important for individuals to understand why after so many years, my love for Jeanne still runs deep within me and my thoughts of her continue to flow through my mind…… However, even though the memories of Joanne came to me somewhat frequently through the years, it wasn’t until about a year before she took her life that the intensity and frequency of these thoughts began to radically escalate.  Then several years later the thoughts began to generate Automatic Writings, some of which I have included in this site. I do understand the hesitancy to accept the origination of this information but through continual questioning and unexplained events I have come to embrace that what is revealed in these writings is in fact generated beyond my own self.  I know it sounds more mystical than factual and I am still not totally convinced that it is actually me communicating with the spiritual realm and not just me composing the words that I am putting into my computer…But I have researched, heard detailed accounts of other individuals who have encountered those in the spiritual realm, read, listened and studied if in fact what I am experiencing might be something that is happening beyond what I would call rational. I can only conclude that what I am experiencing is in fact real.  Perhaps these writings might help individuals who are facing life’s greatest unanswered question gain a better perspective on the relationship between living in the physical and moving on into the spiritual. If even only one person who reads them, receives some level of peace…then the tragic end to Joanne’s life will have changed a person’s darkness into light. 

  The following writings are termed “Automatic Writings for Afterlife Communication” … “In automatic writing, you learn how to allow the messages from your loved one to flow through your mind and write them as quickly as the thoughts come to you. Afterlife communication is very fast. The person in the life after this life conveys messages through a type of telepathy. In that transfer of information, you receive the message instantly. As a result, the dialogue goes forward rapidly.”  “Don’t look at your writing. Scribble it. Don’t worry about whether you can read it. After you’ve scribbled your question or as you are scribbling it, you will get the answer in an instant. Scribble the answer as quickly as you can. Don’t look at it or worry about the penmanship of the writing. Just keep writing what you say and what the response is. After a while, you’ll find you can just write constantly as the words continue to flow without thinking what words to write, they just come. You’ll be getting the messages from your loved one fluently.”

Unknowingly I had started using Automatic Writings for Afterlife Communication to capture and remember thoughts when they began to form in my mind…thoughts that seemed as though they would be something that Jeanne would be trying to tell me which were important to her.  But at first, I didn’t seriously consider that they could be from Jeanne, so I didn’t document what was coming to me.  This continued for several months and recognizing that they were becoming more detailed and wanting to remember what the content of the thought was…I began to write them down…This progressed to the level that when a concept came to me I grabbed the computer and just let the words flow…I eventually began to embrace that the words coming to me were not those from within my own mind…they were originating somewhere beyond my own conscious.   As the flow of information, words, thoughts, and emotions became more refined I knew that what was coming to me…I would not have had any way of knowing about what was being conveyed… I became fairly certain that it was Jeanne crossing through the realms and bridging the Spiritual to the Physical.  Are there times which uncertainty enters my mind…most definitely…but the questioning is also how I continue to explore the validity of the process...and each time I doubt or question the origination of a thought…my research inevitably provides verification and confirmation that it is other than me transferring thought to computer.  My hope is not to try and convince anyone of the factual nature of these writings…my intent is to provide a perspective on how the physical relates to the spiritual in a way that expands ones thinking to consider that there is a great deal more significant meaning  to our purpose in this life…and how that purpose moves with us into what is beyond the physical attributes of the world we live.

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