…How Connected to the Next Realm are We?

Like many individuals my age, I was brought up in an environment where religion was a part of the family dynamics although I don’t necessarily consider myself religious, I do consider myself spiritual.  So, I do believe in a Devine power and that there is some form of Heaven.  However, I always approached religion from the viewpoint that the Devine is a hands-off Spiritual force which created the Universe, and we do not move through life with an individual purpose. I viewed the purpose of individual humans as being a part of humanity from the standpoint that humans as a civilization have a unified spiritual energy and either moved that energy in a positive or negative way.  This would contribute to or reduce the strength of the Devine energy of the Universe. Being such, as long as that energy stays on the positive side, civilizations will remain, and individual life forces could continue to walk their respective Earths…But, if the level of evil overtook the good…that civilization wherever it might be located in the Universe, would implode and self-destruct so not to reduce the universal strength of the Creator. …That thinking changed somewhat when I found that Jeanne, the person I had deeply loved many years ago and still love, struggled with terminal cancer which combined with her difficult personal situation ultimately drove her to take her own life. As we had not talked for a number of years, I had no idea what she was going through. But during this dark period that ended her life and carried her into the next realm, a series of occurrences took place that seemed to be pulling us together across realms. They were random in nature but couldn’t be considered random.  They were events which accelerated in frequency, and it soon became clear that they were too improbable to be regarded as coincidental.  At first, I was able to dismiss them as nothing more than random.  But eventually it became clear that I needed to consider that something beyond the physical was involved in my life.  As these “coincidental” events continued to take place I began to question my perspective on life in the physical as it relates to that in the spiritual.  My view began to shift from that being the Devine is a watchful but distant force that let civilizations self-direct themselves to one that is close to and very much interested in every individual within that civilization and if one so chooses, guidance will be offered.  The interesting but difficult thing to understand and accept is that the guidance provided is not that which necessarily changes the course of one’s life or resolves problems in the physical realm.  But it is meant to affect the energy within the human in a way that their final transition into the spiritual realm ends up being one which places them at the radiant end of the spiritual spectrum.  Even more important is the realization that whether an individual believes, seeks guidance or doesn’t from that Devine force, if an individual has traveled their life’s journey in a way in which they have consciously or subconsciously tried to treat others with a level of caring and kindness, that individual will have fulfilled their purpose and accomplished what they were created to contribute….the generation of positive energy which ultimately strengthens the energy of Creation, the energy we know as love.

     How I arrived at this shift and expanded understanding of our relationship with those in the Spiritual came about through both “coincidental” events and what I found to be Automatic Writings. Most but not all beginning to happen during the period of time Jeanne was struggling with the darker side of life which ultimately led to her tragically leaving the physical and moving into the spiritual.  What I have tried to do in this website is to give the reader a glimpse into what I have experienced as each writing and each coincidental event has brought me more firmly to the belief that life as we know it, does not end with what we call death and those in the next realm are both interested and involved in our lives just as that of what humans call God.